Chemical Analysis


.08 max


.05 max


.12 max


.010- .0125


.10 max


1.75- 2.25


3.50- 4.50


5.50- 6.50


.25 max


1.75- 2.25


3.5- 4.5

Magellan Metals is a proud supplier of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo, also called Ti-6-2-4-2 or Titanium 6242. Ti-6-2-4-2 is a popular metal with a wide range of applications, known for its high tensile strength, strong creep resistance, and overall toughness. As an alpha-beta alloy, Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo is weldable and can withstand high temperatures with little risk, compared with other titanium metals.

Titanium 6-2-4-2 has excellent strength, stability, and creep resistance to temperatures as high as 550 °C.

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Benefits of Ti-6-2-4-2

Ti-6-2-4-2 is used for forgings and extrusions requiring greater strength than Ti-6Al-4v. Due to its high creep resistance and strength, Titanium 6242 is resistant to compression-based distortion. It is generally very weldable and can be treated with filler metals or autogenously.

Forms of Titanium 6242

Ti-6-2-4-2 is available in a variety of forms, including:
  • Seamless and welded pipe
  • Seamless and welded tube
  • Bars and billets
  • Wires
  • Sheets and plates
  • Pipe fittings and flanges

Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Applications

The toughness of Titanium 6242 makes this alloy a popular choice for many applications, including:
  • Compressor blades
  • Turbine engines
  • Discs
  • Impellers

Industries Served

Due to its strength and application abilities, Ti-6-2-4-2 is prevalent in many industries, including:
  • Aerospace applications
  • Aviation engineering
  • Marine
  • Oil and gas
  • Power generation

Magellan Metals Titanium 6424 Services

Magellan Metals offers a wide range of metal services to match your unique design requirements. As a Ti-6-2-4-2 supplier, we offer many forms of advanced metal treatments and provide custom service work to suit your project demands.

Contact us, call us at (203) 838 -5700, or request a quote today and let us find a solution for your industry needs.


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